By Woodlands Orthodontics

You should be prepared for the fact that taking care of your teeth will be more difficult once you get braces. Braces have countless tiny spaces to trap food, and this trapped food causes plaque, which can lead to many other dental problems.

Because of this, it’s very important to brush your teeth after every meal (snacks count, too), to rinse with mouthwash, and to floss at least once a day. This may seem tedious or excessive, but neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to serious oral health problems, force you to spend additional time in braces, or cause unsightly staining on your teeth. The extra responsibility needed to care for braces properly is something that both you and your child should be prepared for.

We know that caring for your teeth can be a challenge when you have braces. Unfortunately, this means that focusing on oral hygiene and understanding the dental issues you should watch out for is more important than ever before. It’s also more important to choose products that will help you do the best job of caring for your teeth – ask your Orthodontist about it – that can maneuver around your wires and kill germs in spaces between your brackets. They can’t do all the work for you, but they can certainly help.

Taking good care of your braces is essential for avoiding complications while they’re on and ending up with great-looking teeth once they’re off. No matter how much money, pain, and time you’ve already invested in your braces, proper oral care is still the key to walking away with a beautiful, healthy smile.

Source: OralB